NCT Who’sUp?® is a robust round robin sales rotation tool for Automotive and PowerSports dealerships
Track and control the “Up” rotation of salespersons. No hardware is required. Who’sUp? is a downloadable app that runs on Apple and Android devices. Each salesperson has a “key” that is cycled to ensure only valid current dealership representatives are able to use, view and respond to sales opportunities. When accepting an Up, the salesperson simply taps “Accept” and they are removed from the first position and automatically added to the last list of Who’sUp’s position. The round robin cycle continues until the dealership open hours have expired.
Key Features
- Using proximity technology, keeps sales team in designed area for receiving new Ups.
- Equitable and self-managed Up rotation with management overrides.
- Sales team bi-directional messaging for instant communication.
- Notifications of empty Batter’s Box (no reps in Up designated area).
- Simple Check In, Check Out for reps.
- Configurable sales process steps and actions.
- CRM integration.
- Test Drive route tracking and capture.
- Driver license scan for data collection and test drive validation.
- Optional, digital waiver form with signature capture for insurance compliance.
- Optional, Credit SoftPull® for F&I and finance option presentation in real time.
- Trackable and visualized reporting metrics for all Ups, Test Drive and other actionable data.
The Facts
Dealerships having a physical location provides a unique opportunity to directly engage with buyers that is not afforded through the web or e-commerce sites. Unfortunately, this value proposition is often squandered as prospects widely known as “Ups” are mishandled. For dealerships that do manage this effectively, the reward can be generous with over 50% of new sales or “Ups” closed on-site. However, to-date, tools that manage this process and measure the overall success of closing “Ups” have been paper based or verbal in execution leading to sales management frustration until now. Who’sUp? changes the game by automating and tracking all of the Up activity and directly updating the dealership CRM and, if needed, dealership DMS systems directly.
Getting Started
To begin turning the tide of lost or the mishandled Ups process, dealerships can easily install and begin using Who’sUp?. Simply download the Who’sUp? App from Apple’s App Store or Google Play, contact NCompassTrac to obtain your sales rep keys, and you are live. NCompassTrac will ship you a beacon to locate wherever your dealership needs to staff sales representatives and the Who’sUp? system will notify you of who is Up, On-Deck or on Double-Deck, and who is on premise and checked in. If the active Up representatives wander away from the “Batters Box”, Who’sUp? will notify sales management and that individual. A timer begins to expire and the Up will rotate the staff if they do not enter the Batter’s Box within a dealership management specified time frame.
The Upside
When properly managed, “Ups” present a unique opportunity to directly engage with buyers without the influence of internet shopping that often slows down deal flows and close rates. With Who’sUp?, dealerships will be able to see a measurable increase in sales volume and a reduced sales cycle, yielding a more effective and equitable sales team.
Apple Enterprise Partner
NCompassTrac works closely with Apple for iOS devices to bring the latest in mobile applications technology to market.
Google Android Partner
For Android tablets and devices, the NCloud is a click away. As an Android certified developer, our engineers are working to bring the best of this exciting wave of technology to your enterprise.
Amazon Web Services
Forecast: Cloudy with a 100% chance of success. Our cloud application takes advantage of the best technologies from Microsoft and Amazon Web Services for guaranteed uptime, replication, and scalability.

Copyright © 2019 NCompassTrac ® | 26072 Merit Circle Ste.#124 | Laguna Hills, CA 92653